"Breakthroughs, confirmations, pruning, spiritual growth,
battles won and temple cleansed!
Come in expecting change and revelation,
and experience God!
Can't wait for the retreat!"
-Victoria M.
"On the first zoom call, the Holy Spirit was so strong that I started crying.
The Haggai Project helped me to jump-start my heart!
Natasha's book Whisper Your Secrets helped me to see that my thoughts
about how God sees me were very different than how He really sees me.
This revelation came like a violent crash of water into my heart that removed a blockage
that had kept me from feeling and receiving God's love as a Father.
The Haggai Project has helped me to reprioritize my days
so that I make time for Him, His Presence, and His Word.
I also understand now that God wants me to build myself as a House of Prayer."
-Melody S.
"Natasha has tailored The Haggai Project to be useful to believers at all levels."
-Dr. Jeffrey G.
"Natasha is a master builder--building with the materials that will last."
-Lara L.
"This program has helped me refocus and release anger.
I do feel much closer to God, and slowly my life is changing for the better.
I have learned to better communicate with God. I urge you to take this course."
-Maria K.
"Natasha's passion for the Word and prayer is evident and contagious,
and her revelations about Haggai are spot on and so needed:
we must build ourselves as Houses of Prayer!"
-Christian P.
"I love Jesus.
Yes, I do morning, noon and evening prayers for me and you.
I learned from the Haggai Project
that God is with me as I build myself as a House of Prayer.
It's opened my eyes and heart to be a better self."
-Rosanna L.
"It’s hard to describe a program that actually builds you into a House of Prayer
and brings you into deeper intimacy with God.
This is not a Bible study, but a transformational process
through Scripture and through the incredible insight God has given to Natasha on the book of Haggai.
The material was so rich that I would find myself getting behind
just because I was busy practicing the things I was learning and sharing them with my family!
The coaching sessions with Natasha were very clear.
I love that she would discuss things beyond the workbook material
because everything she shares from her own training from the Lord is so interesting and helpful.
The timeliness of this course is also incredible.
God is at work through the Haggai Project!"
-Joanna C.
"The Haggai Project built a solid foundation to be a House of Prayer
partnered with Holy Spirit, online teaching, personal coaching and the Whisper Your Secrets book.
Each phase has been a gift to move through.
The prayer strategies are a blessing and Natasha has such a beautiful talented voice!
My favorite song is Freedom. This fellow builder is prayed up and ready for 100 days of prayer for families!"
-Becky L.
"Natasha has a powerful message for this season
as we gradually march towards the end of times.
God is demystifying church buildings. His true temples need to be built.
I see the power of the message God has given Natasha."
-Adebolla A.
"The Haggai Project leads you
through confronting and breaking down barriers to intimacy with Christ
in order to build your foundation as a House of Prayer.
Through Natasha's guidance, you prepare your heart and mind
for the dedicated and focused discussions with God
that will enable you to understand and accept
His will and purpose for your life."
-Jessica I.
"God ordained the timing of me taking The Haggai Project's Online Program.
It was strategic for me to focus on the importance of foundational prayer,
something that is a must for every believer.
Even after I spent two extensive years studying the Word,
the prayer tools the Haggai Project gave me are imperative in my daily walk to climb to the next level.
The power and importance of prayer is key in our time, more than ever before."
-Mindi O.
"I'm sitting here with the Lord and praising Him for this Haggai Project.
I have been asking Him to help me understand in a organized way Prayer.
He has given you an ability to speak in a way
that brings understanding to Prayer and understanding to the Word.
As I pray right now I'm telling Him thank you!! I'm weeping at how He is answering me.
I'm Grateful! So...... grateful!"
-Jill S.