5 Questions; 5 Minutes

Natasha Miller • May 2, 2022

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Phil @ The http://Reimagine.Network

asked the questions.

I answered.

"5 Questions; 5 Minutes"

Natasha Miller (c)2022


  1. Your book is certainly a prayer guide, but it also looks like it can function as a personal journal, a daily devotional, a Scripture study... How did this format come together for you?   

Thank you for noticing! I knew that the graphic designer was key to taking my “multi-purposed” format and turning it into a palatable adventure. Visually it’s so easy to enter this God-journey, whether the reader is a new or mature Christian, because the format gives space for God to transform the reader’s soul. Therefore, the book is interactive and a complete compilation of every thought Jesus expressed found simultaneously in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). His Words (the provided Scriptures) birthed every prayer, “Let’s Agree” section, and summary, and each of those parts empower the reader to journal their thoughts, to pray with understanding, and to align with the Kingdom of God. In other words, the format was created by a healthy symbiotic relationship with the Word and a desire for everyone to be on the same page, in agreement, when praying. 

   2. What happens when someone is diligent to focus on praying what the words Jesus spoke to those he


It’s important: when God says something three times. God specifically emphasized in three separate Gospels these Words of Jesus. Thus, He not only wants us to understand His heart concerning these matters, but praying them through will bring His Will into one’s life and/or situation. A Christian aligned with Heaven is unstoppable. Alignment comes with knowing, understanding, and acting on the Word. Prayer is an action, and specifically, it maintains, cultivates, and implements alignment with the Kingdom of God. How can we not sense the call to pray the literal words of Jesus repeated thrice!

   3.  How does this discipline of Scripture-fed praying build up, disciple, the reader?

If someone wants strong muscles, they must work out and push themselves so their muscle fibers tear, heal, and grow. If a believer wants to have a strong inner man, they must let the Word tear the world from their soul, heal any brokenness with its truth, and strengthen them as they implement that understanding in their life and prayer. Scripture-fed praying builds a strong inner man. It requires understanding God’s heart in the Scriptures and calls the believer not only to align their life with that Word but to speak that life within the Scriptures over themselves, others, situations, cities, nations, etc. It’s the antidote for weak and wavering Christians. So many believers pray soulish or fleshly prayers not built on the Word and those prayers create bondage not breakthrough. Word-based prayer corrects behaviors and thinking while bringing the will of the Lord into the life of the person praying and their prayer objective. 

   4.  How do you hope this book will be used by?

  • Individuals?  My hope would be that that the 31-Day Journey would be an annual feast of Jesus’ Words until God’s heart is emblazoned in the Reader’s, and the Reader can recall Jesus’ Words and pray seamlessly the Word via the RDTP Prayer Strategy, which is introduced in the book and is the framework for every prayer.

  • Intercessors? This book will be a challenge for Intercessors because I’m asking for their prayers to have a paradigm shift. For them to repent first, declare the Word second, and then enter into thanksgiving and prayer. It also challenges them to re-evaluate their prayer life. How much do they actually pray the Word? How much of their prayers are actually Spirit led? The book would be healthy for them, and my hope is that they will be open.

  • Pastors? Just like our bodies need a check-up, so does our soul. The book provides a private one-on-one with God concerning matters important to Him. A Pastor would literally be able to evaluate His sermons and how he has been leading the sheep. Also, He would strengthen His inner man and either start or further the habit of Praying the Word. 

  • Church Leaders? For Church Leaders, the book provides personal and leadership value. In a private way, they can assess how their life, teaching, and advice aligns with Jesus’ Words, and they can assess how their ministry is doing. Furthermore, it provides a prayer strategy that works, which they can implement and teach others to do. 

  • Small Groups? This book is perfect for a Small Group that values theologically sound discussions and rich, fruitful prayers.

   5.  Natasha, please write a prayer you would hope each person reading this prays as a response to what they have just read.

Jesus, I repent for not esteeming Your Words. God, you saw fit for Jesus’ thoughts to be repeated

three times and I, we, Your Church, Your Bride has not seen fit to value them. I repent. I don’t want

to live this way. Lord, I desire to value what you have given me. I declare that I will abide in Your

Words and Your Words will abide in Me. I declare that I will speak your Word over situations not

my soulish or fleshly will. Wherever I am, I desire to go deeper. I will understand Your Heart and live

and pray according to Your Heart. Thank you for continually giving me opportunity to know You deeper. I praise You for Your loving and tender ways that constantly draws me closer to You. 

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(Photo by Nathan Dumlao)

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