It is my joy to share
my healing testimony.
My Healing Testimony
Natasha Miller (c)2022
One December night in 2002, I did the unfathomable, I snuck out of my house for the first time. I was determined to get prayer. In a couple of days, a doctor was going to slice my neck open and remove my thyroid. My boyfriend told me, "My mother says that God will heal you. Will you agree to get prayer?" I agreed. I snuck out of my house to meet up with his mother and a married couple. They prayed over me and I felt love surround me. I said the "sinner's prayer" that night, but it wasn't until April 6, 2003, when I cognitively accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Between that night and my salvation, I called in sick to my surgery (I never returned), continued to take my thyroid medication, and had no doubt in my heart that God would heal me.
It took three years for the healing to manifest. I was finishing up my first semester of Law School when the mass on my thyroid became so big that with a mere glance (no doctor's note) the Assistant Dean informed me that all my finals would be postponed so I could have the mass biopsied for cancer. That led to three separate procedures and the discovery that the mass had liquified. During the last procedure, after syringes extracted vials and vials of dark to lighter blood, the two sides of the nodule touched and the mass verifiably was gone. My prayer of thanksgiving that the mass would self-destruct and liquify had been answered, but my doctor was not happy. He immediately sent me back to law school with a horribly bruised neck (from all the syringes) and no medication. For 7 years my body was dependent upon Synthroid and now the medication that regulated by body's energy and metabolism was gone. I had exams to take, law school to complete, and all I had was God.
The process of my healing and the brutal removal of my medication, allowed me to experience Spiritual Boot Camp. During the delay, I lived out unwavering faith and a theological correction: I did not have to wait upon God to heal me, He had already provided for my healing via the cross; I just needed to receive it in faith that "I was healed" and thank Him for my healing until it manifested. What a change in perspective! The whole process built unquenchable faith. Then, during the removal of my medication while in law school, an intimate relationship grew between myself and the Lord. My literal survival was at stake. I needed to know how to jumpstart my body in the mornings. I needed to know how I was going to make it without the medication. Prayer got me up in the mornings, lots of naps in God's Presence helped me concentrate in class, and the Holy Spirit told me when I would be called on, what to study, and what to do with my time. This was Spiritual Boot Camp. I was literally set apart and fully co-laboring with God. The Lord was preparing me for future assignments as my body was not only healed from a thyroid nodule but also from dependency on Synthroid. #OnlyGod
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(Photos by Mohamed Nohassi & Cristian Escobar)