**Lessons from Abigail's God Story** Day 5 CHARACTER MATTERS

Natasha Miller • November 5, 2022

Enjoy 5 Power-Packed Days!

Lessons from Abigail's Story

By Natasha Miller (c) 2022

Day 5: Character Matters

Positioning Prayer: Heavenly Father, I deeply desire to walk in alignment with You and to know You. Teach me Your ways. Bless me with Understanding. Allow Your wisdom to guide my every thought, word, and deed. Thank you for speaking to me as I study your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 25:2-42; Psalm 15; 2. Samuel 3:3

   Many measure the value of a person based on their financial worth. However, wealth and excellent character are not directly related. Wealth doesn’t indicate excellent character, and vice-a-versa. In fact, wealth doesn’t change a person, it just magnifies who the person really is. 

   Nabal stripped of his wealth was a mere fool; Nabal with his wealth was a dangerous fool. His foolishness caused his household to be an unsafe and hostile environment. Everyone always covering their backs. Abigail, however, was “a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance,” with or without wealth! Character matters.

   Nabal, who was financing a huge party, could have easily blessed David with food. It was already prepared. It was a small ask compared to the wealth he gained by having a private security force guarding his employees and goods day and night. If he had character, he would have not only given David food, but would have invited him and some men to the party. He may have even gifted David with some of his profits. But Nabal was a man of no character and, thus, put his whole household in jeopardy. 

   Abigail could have heard the news and rejoiced that David would kill her husband and she would finally be rid of him. She could have picked up her things, her favorite relatives, and servants, and left Nabal for a couple of days. She could have said that the Lord orchestrated this whole situation for her to escape her horrible husband and not lifted a finger. But Abigail was a woman of character. She understood that, as Nabal’s wife, she was one flesh with him. So, she readied herself to make the wrong right and even shield her husband from his own folly. She led her servants, faced an enraged “enemy,” and turned David’s heart in such a way that he called her “blessed.” She did what was right. Character Matters.

   God honored Abigail’s character. The Lord dealt with Nabal and then placed Abigail under the protection of a godly husband, David. God gave her a son, which was a sign of God’s favor in her day. And, the Lord included her story in the Bible so through the ages, people can learn from her! Character matters!

Activating Prayer: Lord, I repent for any lack in my character. Lord, I need help. Form me into a person that has Godly character. This is my desire and I trust that you will do it. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

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(Photo by Mike Enerio)

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